A roadmap for change
Pressure on local government to meet growing demands in the face of restricted budgets has meant that investing in long-term change can often feel out of reach. Digital change in particular can seem daunting to implement for councils who are yet to begin the planning process.
Despite this, a constantly evolving digital landscape requires councils to embrace change at every level of the organisation, tapping into the benefits it can bring in driving efficiency. So how exactly can they craft an effective strategy to drive the digital change that’s needed?
1. Upskill employees with targeted training
Investing in the workforce is essential to ensure change is implemented at all levels. Digital change often requires people to upskill their existing knowledge to fully understand and utilise new software and equipment. For that reason, training programmes that target these skills gaps can ensure councils remain equipped to use new systems and tools.
In addition to educating the workforce, training can help to ease anxieties around digital innovation which can often stifle change. When addressed at early stages of the process, this can prompt the longer-term digital transformation needed for councils.
2. Invest in efficient processes
While digital change can seem costly, its potential to save time, money and resources can drive efficiency in the long run. For councils struggling with restricted budgets, there are options to explore. For example, central government’s Local Digital Fund aims to support councils looking to transform their digital services.
Councils may also benefit from embracing partnerships within the private sector to access additional insights or funding for digital innovation. This can be invested into targeted areas of the change journey, such as:
- updating legacy systems
- implementing new website features
- delivering staff training programmes
3. Trial digital innovations
Councils looking to start their digital change journey should be open to experimenting. This could entail a phased approach that tests different coaching methods, to ensure that staff training aligns with each stage of change.
For digital transformation to be effective and create lasting value, councils must be willing to experiment and find what works for them.
Having change experts with experience on board can help this effort. As a result, they will ensure a smoother transition that adopts a tailored approach for the organisation.
4. Embrace the benefits of a culture shift
To ensure change is implemented at all levels, local government requires a culture shift in which the benefits of digital are better understood. To do this, council leaders must ensure their vision and strategies are well-communicated, championing change from the top-down.
Articulating the benefits to customers and employees will help colleagues adjust to the change, using real life examples of how it is improving the lives of customers or their working environment.
The benefits of tools such as cloud-based administrative systems, predictive analytics and automated website features should be recognised across the board.
Ensuring these are highlighted at each step of digital change will increase awareness from the top-down. Above all, this will push the culture shift that’s needed for councils to embrace new technology.
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash