How we work

Our service and our focus is people, and our values run deep within our DNA

Our approach

We work closely with clients to listen, understand, partner and coach, to enable business change through people, processes and technology.

We act as a partner and counsel, offering strategic advice and reassurance that brings people along each stage of the change journey to achieve positive results.

We help to unpick even the most complex of issues by taking a deep dive into the challenge at hand, in order to fully understand the change and navigate the journey with you.

Working alongside clients, we define and develop structured plans and strategies, providing knowledge and experience along the way to inform decisions.

Blended team

We carefully place a blended team of skilled consultants that fit into client teams. Bringing capacity, experience and specialist resource to deliver meaningful and long-lasting change, long after we’ve left.

We recognise that no one-size-fits-all, so we don’t offer templated solutions. Instead, we provide unique ideas and the right experience to help your specific objective and organisational structure.

Agents of change

Everyone at Entec Si is chosen for their skills and experience, but most importantly their personality – allowing us to assemble the best possible people for each project. We’re not about big faceless teams. We assemble small, high impact consultant teams that can adapt and respond quickly to any challenge that arises.

We are a values based company focused on people and we get the best from others when we work together to achieve a shared vision.

By your side

We’re with you every step of the way to manage or deliver the plan, and we go to great lengths to ensure we win your trust from the get-go.

We’re not afraid to challenge your ideas to deliver the change outcome that’s best for you, your organisation and the people you serve.

We embed our teams within organisations, meaning we really do become part of the team. With our fresh eyes, new energy and sector expertise, we see solutions, instil calm and help you on your way to achieving change.

Our Values

We form partnerships and deliver change built on shared values with our clients. We work with our clients, rather than for them, to make change for good. Our colleagues work together in the same way that we work with our clients. This approach is underpinned by our core values, a set of principles that act as our guiding forces – Care, Collaboration, Commitment, Integrity and Versatility.

We care

We care about each other’s success and wellbeing and we are passionate about delivering the best for our clients. By having an honest and open culture, we support one another through our own journeys and create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and deliver excellence for clients.

We collaborate

We create the environment for colleagues to innovate and share knowledge. Working together as a blended team, we use our diversity and talent to work in partnership with our clients through complex change journeys. By blurring the lines between consultant and client, we immerse ourselves in an organisation and its challenges.

We are committed

As a supportive work community, we are committed to supporting each other and delivering the best for our clients. Whatever the task, our passionate and driven team always go above and beyond for each other and our clients.

We have integrity

As with life, every project has its difficult moments, and that’s when our consultants really come into their own – but we don’t do this alone. Our blended team brings dependability, honesty and commitment to every commission and we support each other through difficult situations to achieve positive outcomes.

We are versatile

We’re proud of our diversity – that’s what make us special. With a wide range of personalities and backgrounds, we have a solid foundation from which to lead any change process with care and understanding. Driven by passion, we draw on our diverse experience and use trusted and proven methods to provide creative solutions that deliver change for good.

What makes us different

Senior lead on each commission
Negotiable price for long-term work
Exceptional team with strong emphasis on our values
Build long-term relationships with clients and partners
Value through blended team approach
Sensitive to politics and client culture
Always complement client resources
Flexible team to fit client needs

Meet the team