Holistic approach

Business owners and decision makers are beginning to recognise the value of a holistic approach to change and transformation projects. From securing employee buy in to the change journey to ensuring stakeholder investment through the execution of a killer business case, an increased investment in time across all teams from the start will undoubtably provide a more successful and sustainable outcome.

1. Consider the entire journey

Implementing strategic change programmes means considering the entire scope of the change journey, including:

  • Budgetary requirements and strategy
  • People and processes
  • Technological updates and training requirements

It’s only through having a comprehensive overview of the entire change process that stakeholders can understand how different elements of the project will interact and influence each other.

2. Collaboration is king

Cross-functional collaboration is vital to the success of change and transformation programmes. Consequently this means avoiding siloed thinking across business functions is crucial. Failing to align change between departments can lead to the following:

  • Miscommunication
  • Misconceptions
  • Failure to recruit the workforce as positive agents of the change

Ensuring regular company-wide announcements is vital to update staff and help to keep the wheels of change turning.

Change and transformation programmes or initiatives are much more successful when the workforce, team members and mid-level managers feel included. If done properly, it means they are more likely to not only accept changes being made, but also become true advocates.

3. Think broadly

Employers should remember that changes in one area can have ripple effects on others. By carefully strategising how changes in policies and procedures in one department may generate more (or different) work for another, leaders can mitigate negative impacts and pain points from the start. Achieving this balance is an act not easily managed. However, it’s essential to undertake it to help to ensure smoother transitions and reduce disruption to services.

4. Address ways to shift mindsets

Updating specific processes, technologies or ways of working is one thing, but shifting mindsets and sometimes even resetting the organisational culture is another. Addressing cultural aspects throughout the project through means such as regular one-to-one discussions or opening forums where employees can have their questions answered is absolutely vital to successfully delivering change for good.

5. Celebrate the wins to encourage continuous improvement

Holistic approaches to strategic change look beyond the project at hand. Instead they focus on future successes and examine how the changes of today can support or facilitate the achievements of tomorrow.

Removing blinkers and making sure that there is a comprehensive and adaptable delivery plan that celebrates milestones and benefits can help to provide a firm foundation for ongoing success. It can additionally help to encourage continuous improvement and adaptation as circumstances evolve, the business grows or service delivery requirements transform over time.