The Kulber-Ross Change Curve
The pandemic has forced all of us into a changed way of life: a changed work environment and a changed home environment. Everything has changed. For many of us this has been difficult, for all too many of us this has been tragic. But for everyone this has been a change.
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1. Dealing with change
As a change management consultancy, we are very comfortable talking to clients about the changes they are looking to enact. We coach people through the various emotions felt as the change is implemented. The current situation, however, has forced us to experience a change for ourselves.
We can all react very differently to changes. I’ve used the Kulber-Ross Change Curve to help discuss the emotions that people are feeling as they progress through a change. The curve has been helpful in the current change to process our responses and feelings.
2. Time for something new
In my experience when change happens, we have an opportunity for positive improvement and innovation. The quicker we can get into the “Experiment” stage the better. During the Covid-19 crisis many people have implemented changes that would have been unlikely or even unimaginable just days before. Sometimes chaos gives us the permission to try a change. Maybe this is because the fear of failure is removed; we are already failing so we may as well try something new?