How to continue to build a resilient business post Covid
During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working tools and technologies have enabled organisations to maintain continuity and build more resilient businesses. However, to ensure they are able to respond to future challenges, they must plan ahead and consider what technology changes mean for other areas of the organisation. So how can they get this right?
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1. Focus on continuous improvement
There has never been a better time for companies to review their processes and update their business model. During lockdown, employees have become used to a ‘new normal’ in flexible working practices. Consequently it will be important to ensure that further changes in this area are built to last. Over the coming months, organisations should be on the lookout for opportunities to improve the way they operate. By doing so they will be able to mitigate any domino effects of technology investment on their people, processes, systems and infrastructure.
2. Take a step-by-step approach
The uncertain nature of the pandemic situation can make it difficult for companies to develop a long-term strategy. Instead, using business checklists can help to inform decision-making over shorter periods; for example, what are the requirements for bringing staff back into the office and what technology investment is needed as part of this?
3. Put people first
Thorough training around new technology solutions is important to avoid employee productivity levels taking a hit. By being on hand to answer questions about technology changes and provide reassurance, leaders can help employees to better perform their roles. Considering how employee wants and needs have changed during the pandemic will also help leaders to support workforce wellbeing and retain talent.
4. Hybrid working difficulties
Communicating with employees to determine what works for them may be beneficial to employers to work out whether a hybrid approach will suit them. For staff struggling to work from home, provisions should be made to ensure there are permanent spaces available for those who choose to make the daily commute and should be considered when sourcing new office space.
5. Remaining open to internal business change
It is crucial for employers to understand that no one has perfected this new way of working and that they may even feel the need for more change after an office revamp. Recent years have shown that organisations should be prepared for the possibility of changing methods of working almost instantaneously, although most likely not to the same extent as the 2020 pandemic. Regular research into how other organisations are implementing agile working and updating methods as required could help employers who feel a business transformation is needed. Communication with the workforce will also allow employers to see if and where change for good may need to be made in future.
For employers to reap the benefits of an office revamp they need to understand exactly what is required from an office space whilst ensuring the needs of the workforce are also met. Investing in modern IT and assessing workforce needs are just some ways to ensure an increase in efficiency and productivity amongst staff, whilst regular industry research and communication with employees will create a better working environment.