
Providing a blended team to support this change programme

Enabled the completion of several high-priority projects
Improved planning procedures for budgeting and risk mitigation
Improved reporting and project management structure
Engaged with employees throughout to ensure understanding and acceptance of the changes
Upskilled staff members to achieve future sustainable transformation
Worker at laptop building a more agile business

The Challenge

A menopause & wellbeing centre in the Midlands, required support with a change programme which involved the coordination and delivery of several independent projects. Working as an extension of the in-house team, our consultants resolved the immediate project management delivery needs. Alongside this we created new processes and structure for managing future projects.

The centre is a fast-growing organisation focused on improving the health and wellbeing of women who are navigating their way through the challenges of perimenopause and menopause.

Our Approach

Due to the nature of the work and the level of demand currently being experienced by the organisation, a significant level of change was underway. The centre therefore needed additional project management support as well as strategic advice to shape future transformation.

Understanding the different stages of the programme to date and documenting current project processes was an essential starting point for our consultants. To support this, research was carried out by engaging with internal stakeholders through a series of workshops to understand the “as is” picture and define the various projects, outcomes and risks. 

Using a blended team model, we utilised our various consultancy expertise to analyse the research and put in place the necessary project management support to deliver the programme in train. Strategic advisers recommended solutions for more effective and meaningful methods of running projects going forward. These were consequently developed for the centre to a high quality, on time and budget. 

We created a defined and robust project management and reporting structure. This included key management documentation used for all aspects of planning, including mitigating risks and budget planning. 

Completing these deliverables provided the client with all the tools and techniques needed to successfully deliver further projects.